Hello you lovely lot <3
Although I had been thinking about blogging for a while, I only actually started at the beginning of this month, and I still have A LOT to learn.
Saying that when the beautiful Holly from http://falling-for-grace.blogspot.co.uk/ nominated me for the Liebster award, I'm embarrassed to say that I had no clue what it all meant. But 'Award' - that can never be a bad thing can it?!
Luckily it was all explained to me, and just incase you are in the same position as me, or know only a little about the Liebster Award, here is what it entails:
Basically someone nominates you and in their post they've answered 11 questions before nominating 11 other bloggers
They'll create 11 different questions for their nominees to answer.
If you were nominated you'll answer these questions and again nominate 11 other bloggers and so on...
Make sure to let them know about their nomination and add their links to your blog.
So here we go...
1. What do you love most about blogging?
The thing that I really love most is the people; the other bloggers that I have met. The generosity, support and admiration given among bloggers is hard to explain, but is amazing to be a part of.
2. What makes you happy?
My friends. In all honesty, I would be completely lost without a lot of them. They are the family that you choose <3
3. What's your best beauty product?
My Clinique Cleansing Brush. When I was younger, I suffered from quite bad skin, now it is in a much better condition, I want to keep it that way. And this product ensures that!
4. What colour and style is your hair naturally?
Oh god, I don't know if I can still remember my natural hair colour. I've been every shade of blonde and brown. Though my natural hair colour is a dark ashy blonde (I think!) and without my straighteners, is just a wavy, frizzy mess.
5. What's your worst beauty habit?
My worst beauty habit is probably straightening my hair. I know how damaging it is, but it doesn't stop me.
6. Best advice you've been given?
Don't compare yourself to anyone - this works in both everyday life and in the blogging world.
7. Make-up brushes or beauty blender?
I use both on a daily basis, but for me I prefer make-up brushes, and the real technique brushes to be exact. I have quite a few.
8. What is your favourite month?
June. It's my birthday month, and if any month is going to be hot and sunny, June will be.
9. If all of your family, pets, etc were safe...what would you save if your house was on fire?
Photographs - a photo tells a thousand words, and it would be so upsetting to never see all the family photos again. Oh and my phone - but that can always be replaced.
10. What's your favourite life quote?
Nothing is impossible, the word itself says I'm possible - Audrey Hepburn
11. What are your current life goals?
Right now, I want to get out of retail, and find out what I really want to do with my life.
So, next step. The blogs that I nominate are:
Charline and Kimmy - http://eatlovewear.com/
Abigail - http://www.lazytealight.blogspot.co.uk/
Tazhiana - http://tazhiluxe.com/
Shiana - http://www.thebeautyscanner.com/
Robyn - http://robynle.co.uk/
And finally the questions that I am asking you gorgeous lot:
1. What encouraged you to start blogging?
2. Where do you get your blogging inspiration?
3. What makes you smile most?
4. What is on your current wishlist?
5. What is the best piece of advice you could give (in relation to blogging)?
6. What beauty product could you not live without?
7. What do you love to drink?
8. What is your guilty pleasure?
9. If you could have dinner with anybody, dead or alive, who would it be? And where would you eat?
10. Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
11. If you won the lottery, what would you do?
Well, there you go my lovelies <3
Please put the links in the comments to your own 'Liebster Awards' - would love to read them.
Thank-you for reading
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